We are trained and experienced in historical research, writing and presentation to a very high standard. Professional historians have undertaken a post graduate course in history such as an Honours Degree, Masters or a PhD.
Professional historians may specialise in a particular area, but they also have a very good background knowledge and a wide understanding of history in general.
Professional historians engage in extensive research by utilising a wide range of archival and other sources.
History is not just about recording people, dates, facts and figures. A professionally trained historian seeks to explain by looking beyond the immediate event.
Research needs to be placed into a context of time and the wider location in order for us to fully understand the event or contribution of the person.
For example, Victoria did not develop in isolation but as part of the wider British Empire. Local factors may have influenced a town, but those factors may have their origins thousands of miles away.
The Professional Historians Association (Vic) web site has further information on the role of the Professional Historian.